004n. Mavra Egorovna Šepeleva (Šuvalova) / Мавра Егоровна Шепелевa (Шувалова)
W hile we're on the subject of Anna Ioannovna , w e might as well pause for a moment to take note of Mavra Egor o vna Š epeleva (1 708 -17 59 ), who would seem to be the next woman writer in order of birth date, although she has largely fallen between the cracks of literary history. Š epeleva is not mentioned in Golicyn , for example ( which I ' ve indicated by adding an "n" for "new" to her number ) , but she does appear a s the chronological successor to Natal'ja Alekseevna in Lurana O'Malley's review of eighteenth-century women 's dramaturgy (1 7 ) . Š epeleva left a more evident trace in socio - political h istory: her prominent career in elite circles began in 1719 with her appointment to the retinue of Anna Petrovna, a distant relation of Anna Ioannovna and daughter of Peter the Great . Most important , however, was Š epeleva ' s intimate friendship with Anna Petrovna ' s sister, Elizaveta Petrovna , who became Russi...