006*. Pelageja Ivanovna Vel'jaševa-Volynceva / Пелагея Ивановна Вельяшева-Волынцева
Pelegeja Ivanovna Vel'jaseva-Volynceva (1 773-1810) was 18 years younger than her accomplished sister Anna and thus , though sh e, too, managed to publish her first translation at age 9 , it appeared only in the 1780s. While we have no information about their mother – or perhaps they had two different mothers? – these two sisters and their younger brother Dmitrij certainly enjoyed a domestic climate that was conducive to literary activity. As Golicyn notes, Pelageja published two translations , both of them theatrica l and featuring her name squarely on the cover. Both were issued by Nikolaj Novikov at the University of Moscow P ress , the first was even printed at his expense ( Svodnyj katalog 1:130). Novikov supported a number of women writers and translators ...