008*. Anna Nikitična Arcybaševa / Анна Никитична Арцыбашева
Our next writer is out of chronological order , but she is next on the list , and so this post is for her. An na Ar c yba š eva 's only published work seems to be the translation into Russian of " On The Commerce and Navigation of the Ancients " (О торговле и мореплавании древних), published in Kazan in 1831 , a text which Golicyn (12) found on a list of books acquired by the library of the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities in 1845 . Who is she? Anna Nikitična Ar c yba š eva , née Nazvanova, figures into the long entry on her husband, the historian Nikolaj Sergeevič Arcyba š ev (1773-1841), in Vengerov's Critical and Biographical Dictionary of Russian Writers and Scholars from which we can glean several details about her life and the context in which she lived. A provincial noblewoman from the gubernija of Vladimir , she married Arcyba š ev , who was , or became, a landowner in Sivil'sk, about 100 kilometers west of Kazan...